Arrangementer i Bergen kommune

Making the long-term future relevant in urban planning: how do we plan for 2100 in Bergen?

Arrangør: Bærekraftig frokost i Bergen


Tid og sted: Kl. 0830-10:30, NG5 Storsalen, Universitetet i Bergen.

Making the long-term future relevant in urban planning: how do we plan for 2100 in Bergen?

How can urban planners make the long-term future – with its uncertainties – relevant for what they do? How can they make sure that long term horizons are accounted for in what city plans and infrastructure projects? And how can dialogues with academic perspectives on time inform the way the future is made real in the present?

The municipality of Bergen has started to work on climate risk, particularly sea level rise, with a time horizon towards the end of the century. In this breakfast meeting we will discuss what it means to make the long-term future relevant in urban planning. We will hear presentations about municipal long-term municipal planning projects, and from members of the Times of a Just Transition programme about future imaginaries.

Breakfast is served from 08:30. Programme starts at 09:00.


9.00  Brief introduction: Moderator, Håvard Haarstad, University of Bergen
9.10  “Planning for 2100 in Bergen”. Presentation by Jakob Grandin, Climate Agency, City of Bergen
9.20  “Farewell Falsterbo - speculative climate change futuring”. Presentation by Johannes Stripple, Lund University.
9.30  “Fostering Futures Literacy for Participatory Planning in Sustainable Urban Development”. Ragnhild Nabben og Sveinung Sundfør Sivertsen, Fremtenkt.
9.40  “A City in Time”. Gabriella Gomez-Mont, Founder and principal at Experimentalista
9.50  Conversation and dialogue with audience, led by moderator
10.30  End

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Salget er avsluttet nå Tuesday, 25 June 2024
  • Thursday, 27. June 2024 - Thursday, 27. June 2024
  • 08:30 — 10:30
  • NG5 Storsalen
    NG5 Storsalen
    5015, BERGEN
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